Composite slate roofing tiles have emerged as a leading choice for homeowners and builders alike. Their blend of durability, aesthetics, and cost-effectiveness sets them apart from traditional slate tiles. At Collins & Son Roofing, we’ve seen the transformative power of these tiles firsthand. Here’s why they’re a top pick for roofing service in Conway AR.

A Timeless Elegance

Composite slate roofing tiles capture the classic beauty of natural slate. Their versatility in sizes, colors, and cuts ensures that every homeowner can find a design that resonates with their aesthetic preferences. Unlike traditional slate, which can be heavy and limiting, composite tiles offer a broader range of application possibilities.

Lightweight Yet Robust

Natural slate, being a stone product, is inherently heavy. This weight can pose structural challenges for homes not initially designed to bear such a load. Composite slate tiles, crafted from a mix of crushed limestone and synthetic resins, are significantly lighter. This makes them suitable for a wider array of homes, eliminating the need for extensive structural modifications.

Cost-Effective and Efficient

The process of quarrying, cutting, and transporting natural slate can escalate costs. Moreover, its installation demands specialized skills, leading to increased labor expenses. Composite slate roofing, on the other hand, is more economical to produce. Its installation doesn’t require niche expertise, making it a more affordable option for homeowners. Collins & Son Roofing, one of the premier roofing companies in Conway AR, has consistently advocated for its cost benefits.

Fire Resistant and Durable

Safety is paramount when choosing roofing materials. Composite slate tiles excel in this department, boasting impressive fire resistance due to their high limestone content. Their durability ensures they stand the test of time, offering homeowners peace of mind and value for money.

Collins & Son Roofing: Your Trusted Partner

Choosing the right roofing material is crucial, and Collins & Son Roofing is here to guide you. With our experience and commitment to quality, we ensure that your roofing decisions align with both your aesthetic and functional needs. Whether you’re considering composite slate roofing or exploring other options like metal roofing Conway AR, our team is here to assist.


Composite slate roofing tiles are more than just an alternative to traditional slate; they’re a superior choice in many respects. Their blend of beauty, durability, and cost-effectiveness makes them a favorite among homeowners and builders. If you’re looking for a roofing solution that combines aesthetics with functionality, composite slate roofing tiles might just be the answer.

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